Fingerprinting Near You

Fingerprinting services nationwide for individuals or companies.

What Fingerprinting Services We Offer

Ink Fingerprinting

Fingerprinting for the FBI, FINRA, FDLE, or any out of state agency asking for an ink submission.

Live Scan Fingerprinting

Fingerprinting done on a glass scanner that electronically captures your prints.

Background Checks

Background checks for the FBI, Florida, FINRA, and many more agencies.

State Fingerprinting

Fingerprinting for state purposes either electronically or on a card. (Subject to state regulations)

FINRA Fingerprinting

Fingerprinting for Brokers to submit to FINRA for their employment or hiring process.

Mobile Appointments

Have a fingerprinting technician come right to your door and fingerprint you on the spot!

  • Mobile Or In Office

    Have one of our technicians visit you at your location or visit us!

The Appointment Process

Choose a service and date / time

Book and pay your fee

Visit us and get fingerprinted!

We also have mobile fingerprinting available upon request.

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The Fingerprinting Process

How We Do It

Our technicians focus on providing our background checks and fingerprinting services through the use of our electronic live scan devices. We can fingerprint you and use the electronic printing process to either submit them through internet transactions or print them on a card for you to take at the end of your appointment.

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